Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Religious and Thnic Groups Paper Essay Example for Free

Religious and Thnic Groups Paper Essay I picked Buddhism as my religious group. I am a Christian so this is interesting to me because if would have stayed in Thailand, Buddhism would be the religion that I would have learned and believed in. Buddhism is a very unique religion and it differs from all other religion out there. They do not believe in a God. Tak stated, â€Å"We dont believe in a god because we believe in man. We believe that each human being is precious and important, that all have the potential to develop into a Buddha a perfected human being. We believe that human beings can outgrow ignorance and irrationality and see things as they really are. We believe that hatred, anger, spite and jealousy can be replaced by love, patience, generosity and kindness. We believe that all this is within the grasp of each person if they make the effort, guided and supported by fellow Buddhists and inspired by the example of the Buddha. As the Buddha says: No one saves us but ourselves, No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path, But Buddhas clearly show the way† (2011) The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism teach that life is a suffering, there is a cause of this suffering, it is possible to put an end to this suffering and the Noble Eightfold Path is the means to end this suffering. Refuge in Three Jewels is the three components of Buddhism which protect a person from the unstable world as he progresses on the path to become a Buddhist. The Five Precepts lay down the moral conduct to make human world a better place to live. These precepts prevent Buddhists from indulging in deeds that restrict spiritual growth and cause harm to others. The Three Marks of Conditioned Existence explain that everything in this world is impermanent, without substance and full of suffering. They do not have a ten commandments, no judgment day, no creation myth, no prayers for help or intervention, and let’s people find their own path though life. There are no rewards or punishments on judgment day like others. Buddhism is strictly not a religion in the context of being a faith and worship owing allegiance to a supernatural being. Buddhism has been looked upon as opposite teaching from other and this makes Buddhism have a negative experience even though they feel that it is okay and that hateful things can not cut through their skin. This is what my brother had to say about his experience with others in different religion, a member on Yahoo commented â€Å"I have experienced hate form other who dont believe in what I believe in. And for the simple fact that I dont worship their god. People have been afraid and confused and its sad that people are this way. Well people telling me that Im going to burn in hell is just one example. Mostly I get people coming up to talk to me and I get the whole, so are you a good Christian girl thing, which makes me want to puke, and I say no Im Pagan. And most people dont even know what that means, but typically they stop talking and walk away. †( Philosoraptor, 2012) Buddhism has contributed little at a time and over time. Today we use meditation as a relaxation and even as a type of medicine. It is like yoga, has the same affect on the mind, body, and soul. The growth with Buddhism is even reaching different races, like for example Whites. Amanda Rivera said, â€Å"I think the appeal comes from the fact that the Lotus Sutra emphasizes the absolute equality of all people to be able to attain buddhahood, to attain their enlightenment. The sources of prejudice and discrimination with any religious group is that people do not know and understand the group and which fear and hate starts to set in. It is the people’s ignorance that causes the negative feelings and actions. When we talk about prejudice and discrimination a fine example would be two years ago in Kansas. The Lao-Buddhist Association [Wat Lao Buddhasampham] is trying to move its Olathe temple to a location along 119th Street in Olathe. But the Johnson County Board of Commissioners has so far denied the group a conditional use permit. Neighbors say that the area the Buddhists have chosen is zoned residential, but Lama Chuck Stanford of the Rime Buddhist Center says that discrimination is the real reason behind the opposition. â€Å"This is clearly just ugliness of ethnic and religious prejudice,† said Stanford. [†¦] Standord notes that Christian churches are common in residential areas, and that comments made by residents during a January zoning board meeting indicate fear and ignorance. At the meeting, people raised concerns about traffic, water pollution and â€Å"animal sacrifices,† along with noise from gongs, which Stanford says are no louder than church bells. Another example On Sept. 13, 2011 the U. S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the city of Walnut in Southern California because the city did not allow Chung Tai Buddhist Group, originally from Taiwan, to build a worship and meditation center. The Department of Justice accused the city government of violating federal law, which states that religious groups have the same rights to use land as other building applicants, and of discriminating against the Buddhist group. The sources of prejudice and discrimination with any religious group is that people do not know and understand the group and which fear and hate starts to set in. It is the people’s ignorance that causes the negative feelings and actions in which then problems and issues occur instead of accepting that people are different and unique. I have been neutral with Buddhism but my brother believes in it. I do not judge him and I try to think critically if I speak but after doing the research I have a new understanding of my ethic religion of my biological parents. The main important thing I have learned is not asking which religion is better but what is different from what I believe in and what they believe in because that is when you can see how others think and view beliefs. Taking a look at ethnic group of Pacific Islander are different from others in the aspect that the Pacific Islanders live a very social lifestyle, in which family members, both immediate and extended, work together in a solidified community. Pacific Islanders often have difficulty balancing their traditional laid-back attitudes with the high pressure competitive demands of American pedagogy and marketplace economy. Pacific Islanders cultures follow customs and traditions based on ancient principles that promote living an honorable and noble lifestyle. Embedded deeply into the Polynesian culture are music, dance, and food. Traditional storytelling, music, and dance are ancient ways of passing down history from one generation to another. Thus teachers with students who are Pacific Islanders may want to use both written and oral instruction, particularly in areas of literacy. Pacific Islanders are in fact highly developed peoples. Our ancestors survived for centuries in remote and isolated communities having devised their own means of dealing with the elements and of maintaining social order. In the process of what is known as development, however, Islanders wrestle daily with individual demands in a market-driven world, while our consciousness continues to be haunted by a pervasive sense of our collective identity (Wickham). The main thing with interaction with other groups is that Pacific Islander are more laid back and they tend to not be up to par with the other social groups. This makes them to be â€Å"dumb† and â€Å"no gas in the think tank. † Pacific Islander has been a huge contribution to American culture in fields as varied as the arts, health care, business and military service, Asian Pacific Americans are central to our quality of life. Month of May has been declared Asian Pacific American Heritage Month which celebrates all of those that have entered into the United States and help to develop where we are today as one. Prejudice and discrimination is part of history with Pacific Islander in the past. Taiwanese-American Wen Ho Lee, for example, was targeted by the U. S. government and suspected of espionage because of his ethnicity, according to many in the Asian/Pacific Islander community. In May, U. S. Rep. David Wu, an Oregon Democrat, was detained entering the Department of Energy building in Washington, D. C. , and repeatedly asked if he was an American citizen. July, 2009 in Seattle, a group of Asian-American youths, stopped by police for jaywalking, claimed they were harassed by an officer who repeatedly asked if they spoke English and allegedly remarked, Ive been to your country before, when I was in the Army. These types of prejudice and discrimination are all appearance wise and nothing more. The pure ignorance is the source for all these actions. The research was harder to do on Pacific Islander due to the fact of less records and information like other groups. The more I read the same information was being presented. I started to research other groups and I was able to find so much more information. So yes it did help me to understand them better but not to the point of really understanding them because of lack of information and data on them. Prejudice and discrimination on the two groups were similar because both of them were looked upon as physical appearance and judge by looks instead of getting to know the two and understand the two. They both been looked at as different and odd. In the beginning of the two in America they both been push around and forced into doing things that were not right at all. Harassment and anger seems to fill hate towards the two. They are different in ways of the one is being discriminated because of a practice and the other is a human being. There is not much to be different other than that. Discrimination and prejudice looks the same, acts the same, and smells the same. Not much difference because it is all out of uneducated assumptions, anger, hatred, and intolerance. References Philosoraptor, M. (2012). Yahoo! Answers. Retrieved from http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20120229093706AAHWC2Q Swee, T. (2013). Buddhism-Major Differences. Retrieved from http://www. buddhanet. net/e-learning/snapshot01. htm Tak, Y. (2011). Comparing Buddhism With Other Religions. Retrieved from http://wfcs. buddhistdoor. com/OldWeb/passissue/9612/sources/comp. htm Rivera, A. (2011). Why Is American Buddhism So White. Retrieved from http://www. thebuddhadharma. com/web-archive/2011/11/9/forum-why-is-american-buddhism-so-white. html Wickham, A. WACC. Retrieved from http://www. waccglobal. org/en/19973-indigenous-communications/929-Hidden-perspectives-on-CommunicationCulture-in-the-Pacific-Islands-. html.

Monday, January 27, 2020

A micro assembler for a processor

A micro assembler for a processor INTRODUCTION A micro assembler (sometimes called a meta-assembler) is acomputer programthat helps prepare amicroprogramto control the low level operation of a computer in much the same way anassemblerhelps prepare higher level code for aprocessor. The difference is that the microprogram is usually only developed by the processor manufacturer and works intimately with the hardware. The microprogram defines theinstruction setany normal program (including bothapplication programsandoperating systems) is written in. The use of a microprogram allows the manufacturer to fix certain mistakes, including working aroundhardwaredesign errors, without modifying the hardware. Another means of employing micro assembler-generated micro programs is in allowing the same hardware to run differentinstruction sets. After it is assembled, the microprogram is then loaded to astore to become part of the logic of aCPUscontrol unit. Some micro assemblers are more generalized and are not targeted at single computer architecture. For example, through the use of macro-assembler-like capabilities,Digital Equipment Corporationused theirMICRO2micro assembler for a very wide range of computer architectures and implementations. If a given computer implementation supports awriteable control store, the micro assembler is usually provided to customers as a means of writing customized microcode. Ã ¨ Computer programs(softwareprograms) areinstructionsfor acomputer.A computer requires programs to function, typicallyexecutingthe programs instructions in acentral processor.The program has anexecutableform that the computer can use directly to execute the instructions. The same program in its human-readable sourceform, from whichexecutableprograms are derived (e.g.,compiled), enables aprogrammerto study and develop itsalgorithms. Computer source code is often written by professionalcomputer programmers. Source code is written in aprogramming languagethat usually follows one of two mainparadigms:imperativeordeclarativeprogramming. Source code may be converted into anexecutable file(sometimes called an executable program or a binary) by acompiler. Alternatively, computer programs may be executed by acentral processing unitwith the aid of aninterpreter, or may beembeddeddirectly intohardware. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: A program written in assembly language it basically contain of a series ofinstructions- mnemonics that correspond to a stream of executable instructions, when translated by anassembler that can be loaded into memory and executed. For example, anx86/IA-32processor execute the below instruction as given inmachine language. Binary: 10110000 01100001 (Hexadecimal: B0 61) The mnemonic move it tells the opcode1011tomovesthe value in the 2nd operand into the register. Transforming the assembly language into the machine code is done by anassembler, and the vice versa by this assembler. In High-level language, there is usually aone to one relationbetween simple assembly logics and machine language instructions. But, in few cases, an assembler provides instructionswhich will expand into several machine code instructions to provide its functionality. Eachcomputer structureandprocessor designhas its own machine understanding language. Each instruction is simple enough to be executed using a relatively small number of electronic circuits. System may differ by the type of operations they support. For example, a new 64-bit (AMD processor) machine will have different structure from a 32-bit (Intel processor) machine. They also have different size structure and the different storage structure. Multiple collection ofmnemonics codesor assembly-language code may exist for a single instruction set, typically instantiated in different assembler programs. In thes e cases, the most popular one is usually that supplied by the manufacturer and used in its documentation. ASSEMBLER The advancedassemblercreatesobject codeby translating assembly instruction mnemonics intoop codes, and by resolvingsymbolic namesfor memory locations and other entities.The use of symbolic references is only the key feature of assemblers, saving tuff calculations and manual address. Most assemblers also includemacrofacilities for performing textual substitution. E.g.: To generate common short sequences of instructions to runinline, instead of in asubroutine. Assemblers are easier to write thancompilersforHLL. Advanced assemblers, like RISCbased architectures, such asMIPS, SunSPARC, and HPPA-RISC, it optimizeinstruction schedulingto exploit theCPU pipelineefficiently. There are two types of assemblers, based upon how many passes through the source are needed to produce the executable program. One-pass assemblers go through the source code once at a time and assume that all symbols will be defined before any instruction that references them. Two-pass assemblers create a table with all unresolved symbols in the first pass, and then use the 2nd pass to resolve these addresses. The advantage in the one-pass assemblers is about its speed, which is not as important as it once was with advances in computer speed and capabilities. The advantage of the two-pass assembler is that symbols can be defined anywhere in the program source so its an easier way to understand the user. Its results to the program can be defined in a more logical and meaningful way. It will make two-pass assembler programs easier to read and maintain. More sophisticatedhigh-level assemblersprovide language abstractions such as: Advanced control structures. High-level procedure declarations and invocations. High-level abstract data types, including structures, unions, classes, and sets. Sophisticated macro processing. Object-Orientedfeatures such asencapsulation,polymorphism,inheritance,interfaces. Heres how it works: Most computers come with a specified set of very basic instructions that correspond to the basic machine operations that the computer can perform. For example, a Load instruction causes the processor to move a string of bits from a location in the processorsmemoryto a special holding place called aregister. The programmer can write a program using a sequence of these assembler instructions. This sequence of assembler instructions, known as thesource codeor source program, is then specified to the assembler program when that program is started. The assembler program takes each program statement in the source program and generates a corresponding bit stream or pattern. The output of the assembler program is called theobject codeor object program relative to the input source program. The object program can then be run whenever desired. Earlier programmers actually wrote programs in machine code, but assembler languages or instruction sets were soon developed to speed up programming field. Today, assembler programming is used only where very efficient control over processor operations is needed. It requires knowledge of a particular computers instruction set. Historically, most programs have been written in higher-level languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, and C. These languages are easier to learn and faster to write programs with than assembler language. MICROASSEMBLER A micro assembler also called as meta-assembler. It is a kind of program which helps prepare a micro program to control the low level operation of a computer in much the same way an assembler helps prepare higher level code for a processor. The use of a micro program allows the manufacturer to fix certain mistakes, in hardware design also. Another means of employing micro assembler-generated micro programs is in allowing the same hardware to run different instruction sets. When it is assembled, the micro program is then loaded to a control store to become part of the logic of a CPUs control unit. Some micro assemblers are more generalized and are not targeted at single computer architecture. For example, the use of macro-assembler likes capabilities, Digital Equipment Corporation used their MICRO2 micro assembler for a very wide range of computer architectures. THE ASSEMBLER USED BY THE MICROSOFT (MASM) MASM is a Microsofts assembler and abbreviation used for it is Macro Assembler. MASM is a very powerful macro feature, and is capable of writing very low-level syntax, and pseudo-high-level code with its macro feature. MASM 6.15 is currently available as a free-download from Microsoft site. MASM is a one of the Microsoft development tools that are targeted 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. Versions 6.1 and 6.11 included Phar Laps TNT DOS extender so that MASM could run in MS-DOS. MASM will write in Intel Syntax. MASM is used by Microsoft to implement some low-level portions of its Windows Operating systems. MASM, contrary to popular belief, has been in constant development since 1980, and is upgraded on a needs-basis. MASM has always been made compatible by Microsoft to the current platform, and executable file types. MASM currently supports all Intel instruction sets, including SSE2. MAL (MICRO ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE): It describes about the lexical, syntactic, and semantic elements of the language, and gives a focus on microprogramming with the mic1 micro-assembler. Lexical: Most assembly language such as Micro-Assembly Language is a line-oriented language. Each micro-instruction is generally defined on a single line of the program file. The end-of-line is generally significant. It is a case-sensitive. For example, AND is a reserved word Corresponding to a bitwise operation of the mic1 ALU, while and is not reserved and may be used as a label Comments The comments will begin with two slash characters (//) and continue to the end of the line. Blank lines and lines consisting only of white space and comments are ignored by the micro-assembler. Directive Directives for the micro-assembler begin with a period character (.) and may contain alphabetic characters. There are two micro-assembler directives: .default and .label. Directives are used to provide guide the behavior of the micro-assembler, and do not correspond with words in the control store. Reserved Words The names of registers and control lines are reserved, as are the words if, else, goto, nop, AND, OR, and NOT. For the mic1 architecture, the following words are reserved and may not be used as statement labels: MAR MDR PC Fetch If Else goto nop AND OR NOT MORE ABOUT THE MICRO ASSEMBLER: Micro Assembler is Integrated Development Environment for assembly programming. Micro Assembler has a much easier syntax than any of the major assemblers, a great combination for beginners. Micro Assembler is a Windows based application so you can enjoy user-friendly Windows environment. APPLICATIONS Hard-coded assembly language is typically used in a systemsboot ROM(BIOSon IBM-compatiblePCsystems). This low-level code is used, among other things, to initialize and test the system hardware prior to booting the OS, and is stored inROM. Once a certain level of hardware initialization has taken place, execution transfers to other code, typically written in higher level languages; but the code running immediately after power is applied is usually written in assembly language. The same is true of mostboot loaders. Many compilers render high-level languages into assembly first before fully compiling, allowing the assembly code to be viewed fordebuggingand optimization purposes. Relatively low-level languages, such asC, often provide specialsyntaxto embed assembly language directly in the source code. Programs using such facilities, such as theLinux kernel, can then construct abstractions utilizing different assembly language on each hardware platform. The systemsportablecode can then utilize these processor-specific components through a uniform interface. Assembly language is also valuable inreverse engineering, since many programs are distributed only in machine code form, and machine code is usually easy to translate into assembly language and carefully examine in this form, but very difficult to translate into a higher-level language. Tools such as theInteractive Disassemblermake extensive use of disassembly for such a purpose. A particular niche that makes use of assembly language is thedemo scene. Certain competitions require the contestants to restrict their creations to a very small size (e.g. 256B, 1KB, 4KB or 64 KB), and assembly language is the language of choice to achieve this goal.When resources, particularly CPU-processing constrained systems, like the earlierAmiga models, and theCommodore 64, are a concern, assembler coding is a must: optimized assembler code is written by hand and instructions are sequenced manually by thecodersin an attempt to minimize the number of CPU cycles used; the CPU constraints are so great that every CPU cycle counts. However, using such techniques has enabled systems like the Commodore 64 to produce real-time3D graphicswith advanced effects, a feat which might be considered unlikely or even impossible for a system with a 0.99MHzprocessor BENEFITS OF IT: The micro programmed Data General Eclipse S/200 computer is available with a writable control store. The WCS feature of the Eclipse is having extension of the micro programmed control logic of the computers central processing unit. It allows a user to implement specialized instructions at a very low level. Its use is however, discouraged since Data General does not provide software support for the WCS feature. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Microprogramming with the Eclipse Computer WCS feature Corporation, 1974. assembly language: Definition and Much More from Retrieved 2008-06-19. NESHLA: The High Level, Open Source, 6502 Assembler for the Nintendo Entertainment System Eidolons Inn : SegaBase Saturn

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Chaucer :: essays research papers fc

The Medieval Church and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales In discussing Chaucer's collection of stories called The Canterbury Tales, an interesting illustration of the Medieval Christian Church is presented. I think that the Medieval Church was full of corruption, and Chaucer depicts this corruption through The Pardoners Tale. At the same time as the corruption, there can also be an argument for the opposing side stating that the church is not corrupted. This can be shown with the character of the monk from The Monk’s Tale. While people demanded more voice in the affairs of government, the church became more corrupt and this corruption also led to a more crooked society. In history then, there is a two way process where the church has an influence on the rest of society and of course, society influences the church. This is naturally because it is the people from a society who make up the church....and those same people became the personalities that created these tales of a pilgrimage to Canterbury. The Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England was to take place in a relatively short period of time, but this was not because of the success of the Augustinian effort. Indeed, the early years of this mission had a discrepancy which shows in the number of people who hedged their bets by practicing both Christian and Pagan rites at the same time, and in the number of people who directly didn’t want to believe at all when a Christian king died. There is certainly no evidence for a large-scale conversion of the common people to Christianity at this time. Christianity did not initially provide a unifying element but was by the later seventh century to provide the basis of a structure of organization, which overreached the frontiers of the individual, highly competitive English kingdoms(Making 15). Augustine was not the most diplomatic of men, and managed to antagonize many people of power and influence in Britain, who had never been particularly enthusiastic to save the souls of the Anglo-Saxons who had brought such harsh times to their people. In their isolation, the British Church had maintained older ways of celebrated the major festivals of Christianity, and Augustine's effort to force them to conform to modern Roman usage only angered them. When Augustine died (some time between 604 and 609 AD), then, Christianity had only an insecure hold on Anglo-Saxon England, a hold that was limited largely to a few in the aristocracy. Chaucer :: essays research papers fc The Medieval Church and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales In discussing Chaucer's collection of stories called The Canterbury Tales, an interesting illustration of the Medieval Christian Church is presented. I think that the Medieval Church was full of corruption, and Chaucer depicts this corruption through The Pardoners Tale. At the same time as the corruption, there can also be an argument for the opposing side stating that the church is not corrupted. This can be shown with the character of the monk from The Monk’s Tale. While people demanded more voice in the affairs of government, the church became more corrupt and this corruption also led to a more crooked society. In history then, there is a two way process where the church has an influence on the rest of society and of course, society influences the church. This is naturally because it is the people from a society who make up the church....and those same people became the personalities that created these tales of a pilgrimage to Canterbury. The Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England was to take place in a relatively short period of time, but this was not because of the success of the Augustinian effort. Indeed, the early years of this mission had a discrepancy which shows in the number of people who hedged their bets by practicing both Christian and Pagan rites at the same time, and in the number of people who directly didn’t want to believe at all when a Christian king died. There is certainly no evidence for a large-scale conversion of the common people to Christianity at this time. Christianity did not initially provide a unifying element but was by the later seventh century to provide the basis of a structure of organization, which overreached the frontiers of the individual, highly competitive English kingdoms(Making 15). Augustine was not the most diplomatic of men, and managed to antagonize many people of power and influence in Britain, who had never been particularly enthusiastic to save the souls of the Anglo-Saxons who had brought such harsh times to their people. In their isolation, the British Church had maintained older ways of celebrated the major festivals of Christianity, and Augustine's effort to force them to conform to modern Roman usage only angered them. When Augustine died (some time between 604 and 609 AD), then, Christianity had only an insecure hold on Anglo-Saxon England, a hold that was limited largely to a few in the aristocracy.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The RSC Production of Beauty and the Beast

When watching the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of â€Å"Beauty and the Beast† I noticed several aspects of the production that I found particularly impressive. One such aspect was the use of lighting and shadows on stage. Spotlights and floodlights were the main types of lighting used. In many of the scenes that did not take place in the Beast's house, a relatively bright yellowy-orange light filled the stage showing there was nothing particularly important or magical about these scenes/ As soon as the audience's attention was required to be focused on a particular character, lights would fade out and a spotlight placed on the character. One such example of this was when Mama dies and Beauty sang a solo part. In the Beast's house, lighting was taking to a much darker level, reflecting the magical and mysterious characteristics of the house. Once particular use of lighting in the house was very effective, the use of different coloured lights when Beauty and the Beast were eating supper. When the bowls were placed on the floor, trapped doors beneath them were opened so that floor lights could flood through the translucent bowls, giving the effect of different magical foods. One bowl lit up red, to which Beauty responded with â€Å"Oh! Strawberries!† then, as Beauty put the lid back down, the colour of the lighting changed to blue and then to green. At the same time, the stage was slowly filling with dry ice, which had lights from different places shining into it. This dry ice gave the magical side that the scene needed, and the colouring in it added even more mystery and magic. Another effective use of lighting was the mirror ball in the room/hall of mirrors. This reflected onto the audience and made them feel more involved in the scene. The music used in the production added a depth of atmosphere, causing slight unrest when in the Beast's home, and a sad, emotional ambience at the death of Beauty's mother. In the Beast's house, a man on the balcony sang notes rather that words, backed by eastern, slightly oriental instruments. These instruments had the ability to make a strange, but somehow welcoming atmosphere feel apparent in the Beast's house – something that was important in understanding both the setting and the character of the Beast. The music that played during the dance in which the mother played the horse was sharp and almost violent, mirroring the movements of the horse. At one point, the chorus used large wooden sticks to bang off the floor as a way of backing up the music and adding a stronger beat, possibly shadowing the horse's hooves as it ran. When Beauty's mother died, she sat on the floor and sang a classic French song that was repeated at certain points in the play. Another time repetition was used was when a woman on the balcony repeatedly sang the word â€Å"Beauty†¦ Beauty†¦ Beauty†¦Ã¢â‚¬  when Beauty sat alone on the stage. Both of these examples of repetition create a slightly eerie, but at the same time calming atmosphere, which made me feel rather uneasy in the audience. The set, although rather simplistic, was highly effective, and very symbolic at times. It began with a taut cotton sheet with the front of a Parisian style house painted on. Two workbenches were at either side of the ‘door'. This sheet was pulled down, revealing the family standing on more benches, this time of different heights; the parents were in the middle, on the highest of the benches, the boys were standing on the right, slightly lower and the girls were on the left and were at the lowest level. When the family lost their wealth the benches were taken away and the backdrop pulled up, leaving an empty stage. A row of coat hangers came down from the ceiling and each family member hung up their expensive clothing. This showed it was the end of an era, and that they had to move on. The hangers going up, rather that just backwards or to the sides, showed that the life the family once had was now out of their reach and they had no way of getting back to it. This is an imaginat ive and cleaver way of showing the loss. A swing then came down and the family climbed onto. It swung back and forth and as a way of illustrating the family how the family had to move far away, to the downtrodden cottage in the countryside. Having the family on the swing gave time for us to see how each of the characters were reacting to the change, I think this helped the audience to understand the characters on a more personal level. When the family got off the swing, it was onto a silky brown sheet of material that was hooked onto the edges of the stage, around 0.75m off the ground at the back, but slowly sloping down to meet the floor at the front of the stage. This was used to symbolise the mud near to the cottage – a sign of how basic what they actually had was. The chorus had crawled underneath the fabric and when the family stood on the mud, they used their arms and heads to create shapes to show the mud and gloopiness. After a time, the family lay down in the ‘mud' and the chorus sat up, cradling the c ast in their arms as a way of showing acceptance from the family and the countryside that this is how things were going to be. When this was got rid of, a house folded up from the floor that used two panels from the floor as the roof and thing, what looked like wooden, panels for the walls. This use of thin materials for the house was a direct symbol of the family's situation and, although the house was very simple, it had a certain fairytale-cottage-like look about it. The Beast's palace was far more extravagant and impressive than the family's cottage. When the father first went into the house big bamboo sticks bowed down from the ceiling, with lights inside. This gave a striking, slightly imposing entrance to the palace and led to a circular doorway at the back of the stage that was blacked out, creating a sensation of mystery and curiosity. When Beauty went into the palace, and we saw her room, the swing that had carried to the family to the countryside had now turned into a four poster bed, with pink covers, which swung to help relax Beauty and make her feel more welcome. As it swung, the audience could see that Beauty was warming to the palace, which is something we had not seen before this scene. At one point in the play, when the Beast was feeling particularly low, he climbed a ladder on the back wall of the stage and crawled into a small compartment, only big enough for himself. The fact that he was completely alone in there shows that he w anted to be cut off from civilization, possibly because he did not feel worthy enough to be around humans in his beast-state, however the compartment was above everything so it was symbolic of how he was the supreme leader of his palace and had overall control. This helped to give us an insight into the character's feelings at the time, which aids our understanding. As if to show a passage of time, when Beauty returned home to the country cottage the house has gained another story and big fans decorated with painted roses were surrounding the house. The overall view of the house gave a sparkling, happy fairytale effect and showed that the family were now more comfortable in the house, that they had settled in and were gaining from the experience. The final aspect I have chosen to look at it the costume designs. At the very start, all the family members were in white, expensive looking outfits – obviously a sign of their status and showing that they are good people. When the family had to hang up their clothes, they stayed in the undergarments they had on for a while, until after they had arrived in the countryside when they put on plain overalls. These overalls may have been a sign that, although they were not best pleased with being stuck in the countryside, they were aware that they had no choice and were willing to work for their money. Beauty did not change her clothes, and for the entirety of the play, she wore a plain – but pretty – white dress. The witch, who was played by the same actress as who played Mama, wore an extravagant ball gown that was sparkly and dark, with a very large headdress that showed she was an important character in the story. The dress was very dark, as you would expect a witch's clothing to be, however when the light hit it just right it glittered a lot, which showed to be lighter, which is something that is perhaps portrayed in her character. The Beast was wearing brown rags that had hints of a goldy material in them. At times, when the light hit the fabric just right, a tiny patch shone gold and sparkly. This hidden colour shows the character of the Beast well ~ we know he doesn't like who he is, or what he is, but we cannot escape the fact that he is of authority and high status. He wore a claw on his one hand and make up that created the physical aspects of the character. When he became a man, the rags were removed and he wore simple leggings with a chiffon type robe that showed off his muscles and body shape, emphasising the fact that he was a proper man. When Beauty returned home late on in the play the family were dressed in bright clothing that looked far less grand – this showed that they had accepted their life and lost all sense of importance of appearance because they had found true happiness in the countryside. Many of the different examples above give us a better insight into a character, or a place – for example, the Beast showed us that he felt isolated and alone at one point in the play simply by climbing into a compartment only big enough for him. The aspects of the play I have talked about work together in the performance to create atmospheres and to explore characters' emotions. An example of atmosphere being created may be how costume and music were entwined to create the sombre moment in which Beauty, wearing her pure white dress and holding the doll that symbolised her for the beginning part of the play, sing almost as a tribute to her dead mother. We are meant to feel sympathy for Beauty, and we do because she looks so pure and innocent in her dress, however if she were in a black dress this feeling may not have been stirred as our basic minds associate white with good and black with bad. Lighting and costume also worked together well, such as in the witch's costume. The headdress was very elaborate and when the lights shone onto her, a huge shadow fell on a section of the stage. The imposing shadow, with the spikiness and movements made me feel quite unnerved and was an impressive way of showing that she has high importance and power. Every one of the aspects I have discussed came together in the Beast's house. The overall effect was only created well by using suitably magical lighting, the creepy voices and instruments, a good set or in some cases using the chorus line to create the feeling of magical furniture, and costumes that gave us an insight into the character, such as Beauty's dress or the Beast's costume, whilst also serving well in the purpose of making the play feel alive. This mix of all the different aspects came together to create an aura of a mystical and scary palace.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Why I Should Be On Yearbook Staff

I think I should be chosen for the year book staff because I am a very creative person. Being creative and expressing myself is something I definitely love doing, and I feel that if I could be a part of creating the year book, I could show off my creativeness. I always have a positive attitude and I like making people laugh. Qualities like that are the reasons that everyone loves me; I’m an all around person. Being able to talk to people to get them to buy a yearbook is something I could definitely do. Also, I would be proud to state the fact that I was apart of helping people remember their experiences and memories throughout high school.Honestly I never really was a big fan of writing assignments and things of that sort. It often takes me a lot planning and thinking to actually get into an assignment, but if it’s a topic I enjoy, I will go all out to try to impress my teachers and whomever else may become a potential reader of my work. I’ve always gotten compli ments from my English teachers throughout my years telling me that my work was some of the best they’d ever read. Being that writing is one of the main parts of the yearbook, if I were chosen, I would try my best to make my writings interesting and something that people would enjoy.I’m not the most organized person in the world and at times I do procrastinate on things that I know I need to get done, but when I do come around to doing the task, I make sure I give it my full attention. Once I start something, I’m determined to finish it. Even if the task before me starts to seem as if it’s becoming too much for me, I won’t give up. I’lll keep striving until the task is complete. Putting my academics first is definitely one of my most important priorities, as well as sports because being that I will be a junior next year, I have to be a leader for my team. If chosen for the staff, I would also make my best effort to prioritize this as well bec ause I definitely wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone because I didn’t get my job done.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution & Natural Selection Essay

Charles Robert Darwin was born on 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire into a wealthy family. Darwin himself initially planned to follow a medical career, and studied at Edinburgh University but later switched to divinity at Cambridge. In 1831, he joined a five year scientific expedition on the survey ship HMS Beagle. This is where he came up with his theory of evolution. During his voyage on the Beagle, Darwin found evidence that challenged traditional belief that species are unchanging. During this, he read Charles Lyell’s book Principles of Geology. As Darwin began visiting many places, he began to see things that he thought could be explained only by a process of gradual change. He realized the plants and animals on the Galapagos Islands resembled those in South America. He later suggested that the animals migrated to the Islands from South America and changed after they arrived. He later called this change evolution. When he returned from his voyage he continued his studies, but did not report his ideas of evolution until many years later. The key to Darwin’s thinking about how evolution takes place was an essay written in 1798 by Thomas Malthus. Malthus suggested that human populations do not grow unchecked because death caused by disease, war, and famine slows population growth. Darwin realized that his hypothesis can apply to all species. Considering Malthus’s view and his own observations and experience in breeding domestic animals, Darwin made a key association. A process in nature in which organisms possessing certain genotypic characteristics that make them better adjusted to an environment tend to survive, reproduce, increase in number or frequency, and therefore, are able to transmit and perpetuate their essential genotypic qualities to succeeding generations. He call this natural selection. In 1844, Darwin finally wrote down all these ideas about evolution and natural selection in and early outline that he showed to few scientists. He decided to publish it after being contacted by Alfred Russel Wallace. His book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection appeared in November of 1859. Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection were based on four major points. 1) Inherited variation exists within the genes of every population or species. 2) In a particular environment, some individuals are better suited to survive and have more offspring.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Shewin Case Essay examples - 679 Words

PA402: Employment Law Unit 3: The Employment Relationship - Shewin Memorandum Your Course Project: Read About the Shewin Memorandum Throughout the course, you will work on the Shewin Memorandum. Your first step is to become acquainted with Ms. Shewin and the fact pattern. Ima Shewin is a 45-year-old African-American woman with advanced degrees in English and journalism from the University of Chicago. She has been employed by The Blabber, a newspaper in Atlanta, Georgia, for 10 years. She started as an entrylevel researcher. Two years later, she was promoted to a junior-level reporter position, and two years after that, to a senior-level reporter position. She has now been a senior-level reporter for the last six years. During the first†¦show more content†¦For example, only three women are in the upper levels of management, and all were promoted prior to the reorganization. King was not involved in the promotion decisions for any of the three women. King has a reputation for making sexist comments, which several women in the company find offensive, as do a number of men. For example, he described one pre gnant reporter as barefoot and pregnant. He has also asked Shewin out to discuss business, invitations that she has declined. She feels that rejecting him may have something to do with her not getting the job. Another possible factor is that there are only five African-American senior managers in the company. Shewin has heard through the rumor mill that Whiz is part AfricanAmerican. Also, prior to Mr. Dorights transfer, Shewin filed a complaint against some of her male colleagues. Apparently the men whose cubicles were surrounding Shewins area had a habit of discussing their weekend dates in graphic detail on Monday mornings. Although they did not make these comments directly to Shewin, the conversations PA402: Employment Law Unit 3: The Employment Relationship - Shewin Memorandum were quite loud and she overheard them regularly. After several months of hoping they would stop, Shewin brought this matter to Mr. Doright, who sternly told the employees to stop such behavior. However, since Arthur King became the senior manager, her coworkers have reverted to their old behavior, and KingShow MoreRelatedShewin Memorandum 1686 Words   |  3 PagesHeather M Fuller PA402: Employment Law Assignment: Shewin Memorandum #1 April 27, 2015 Anti-discrimination laws cover categories that include race, gender, religion, age national origin, and others. Ms. Shewin’s case has several factors that could be split into the discrimination categories. The first factor that can be considered is that Ms. Shewin is an African American. In the fact pattern is states that there are only five African-American senior managers in the company. This would

Thursday, January 2, 2020

South and Southeast Asia Essay - 1763 Words

South and Southeast Asia Introduction The region under scrutiny happens to be among the most impoverished countries in the world, though allowing for so much growth that is has made them among the fastest growing countries in the world. The region with all this potential is South and Southeast Asia, and the countries holding 40% of the world’s poor are Bangladesh, Thailand, Pakistan and India. How is it that South Asia has grown so much over the past decade with 35% of its men and 59% of its woman being illiterate? Or how is it that half a billion of the people in South Asia are living off less than a dollar a day? So much of the information I have found for this paper is hard to swallow, though I will try and tell it to you†¦show more content†¦Who is supporting the growth In order for many South Asian countries to survive they had to seek help in the form of loans, luckily for them the International Monetary Fund was able to help. The IMF and several Asian countries have so far pledged to provide more than a $100 billion in loans to help save Southeast Asia’s struggling financial systems. Though in return for these loans, recipient countries must implement a series of austerity measures designed to contain the crisis and improve their free-market economic policies. Some of these austerity measures are to increase certain taxes, implement policies to discourage banks from making risky loans and to shut down many of the insolvent financial firms that had planned on being bailed out. Therefore the Asian crisis and the IMF bailout has created a wide-ranging debate on the merits of Asia’s economic model. Though with the debate on how to fix the crisis, it really seems to be just two competing versions of capitalism. The Asian model, set to resemble Japan’s economy, is based on the belief that leaders must take a direct and active role in the free market to assure rapid growth and high employment. 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